Papaya wine

Karupatti Halwa

Raw rice - 1 cup
Coconut milk - 3 cup
Thin coconut milk - 1 cup
Palm Jaggery - 2 cups
Coconut oil  - 1 tbsp

  1. Soak the raw rice for 2 hours. Dry it for some time .Grind it in a mixie to a fine powder
  2. Now mix the thin coconut milk to the raw rice powder .Mix it well so that it doesnt have any lumps

     3.Now add the thick coconut milk . Mix well
     4.Take a thick bottomed pan or a non stick pan . Keep the flame at medium . Pour the mixture and 
        stir it continuously
      5.After 10 min the mixture will start to thicken 

       6.Now add the palm jaggery syrup . Some lumps may be formed but latter it will be broken

    7.After 20 min the mixture will start thickening and start to leave the pan. Stir continuosly
    8.After 30 min , the halwa will start to leave the sides . If you want add a tablespoon of coconut oil
       9.After 35 to 40 min , you can feel a glazy look and the halwa will start to thicken more.Switch
          off the flame .Transfer the halwa to a greased plate

        10.After 2 hours , you can cut to the required shape and serve. But it tastes better the next day .
