Papaya wine

How to make pineapple jam /Pineapple jam

Pineapple puree - 4 cups
Sugar - 2 cups
lemon juice - 1/4 tbsp

How to make

  1. Take ripened pineapple ,remove the skin and chop it roughly. Add the chopped pieces to a blender and grind it without adding water
  2. Take a deep bottomed pan ,pour the puree and start to cook.Cook it in a medium flame .
  3. After 10 minutes add the sugar and cloves.Stir well .Now it will become watery. Keep on stirring 
  4. Once its thickened , remove the cloves and pour the lemon juice . Switch off the flame
  5. Once its cooled down transfer it to a air tight glass container .


  • Always use a dry spoon .
  • Adjust the sugar based on sweetness of pineapple
  • The jam stays good for about 10 days without refrigerating